Two Options For Free Car Cover Viewing Window:
We can install a free viewing window into your new cover for you.2)
We can send you a kit with instructions on how to install it yourself.**TJCARS EXCLUSIVE!**
Free Car Cover Viewing Window - Sewn In For You
1st one FREE with purchase of a Car Cover
($20 per additional window)
How Can I Use My Viewing Window?
I'd like to display my...
License Plate(s)
Parking Stickers or Tags
Handicap Tags or Decals
Other Items

There is a growing list of reasons that many entities are requiring that a covered vehicle must display some sort of "proof" that the vehicle is approved to be parked at a specific location. The many reasons and facilities include:
- Security Issues (various)
- Airports
- Reserved Parking Areas
- Educational Facilities
- Limitations by Regulations or Ordinances
- Military Bases or Installations
- Law Enforcement Agencies
- Government Agencies
- Special Events
- Hotels
- Campgrounds
- The list is continuing to grow...
Your Solution
We make it EASY! We offer a professionally installed Viewing window with the purchase of your new cover. Your 1st window is totally FREE. If needed, additional viewing windows are only $20 each.
How Does Our Program Work?
After you receive your cover, mark clearly on your cover where your license plate, authorization decal, parking permit, rear view mirror, hanger, etc. should show through.
See image below
Send your new cover back to us HERE. (you pay the shipping to us)
We fabricate the perfectly clear window(s) you request from double-polished, crystal-clear 20-Mil soft vinyl & install them in your cover. We then send your cover back to you.(we pay the shipping)
More questions?
Feel free to give us a call
We provide quality boat and car covers for the areas & communities of New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Houston, Philadelphia, Phoenix, San Diego, San Antonio, Dallas, San Jose, Detroit, Indianapolis, Jacksonville, San Francisco, Columbus, Austin, Memphis, Baltimore, Fort Worth, Charlotte, El Paso, Milwaukee, Seattle, Boston, Denver, Louisville, Washington DC, Nashville, Las Vegas, Portland, Oklahoma City, Tucson, Albuquerque, Long Beach, New Orleans, Cleveland, Fresno, Sacramento, Kansas City, Virginia Beach, Mesa, Atlanta, Omaha, Oakland, Tulsa, Miami, Honolulu, Minneapolis, Colorado Springs and Arlington.
Car Cover License Plate Window Kit - Install Yourself

BRAND NEW! The car cover window from T.J. Cars is THE SOLUTION for an age-old problem. Since the creation of car covers, people have struggled with a way to display license plates or parking stickers. This problem has only grown in a modern climate of increasing security standards. For security, many parking garages, schools & universities, military bases, and other government agencies now require parking stickers (and sometimes license plates) to be displayed while parking on their property. After numerous customer inquires and years of unsuccessful searches for an existing product, T.J. Cars teamed up with Ameri-Brand Products Inc. to create a uniquely-designed, flexible, vinyl window (patent pending) that can be used in covers of all shapes and sizes. No other product exists that allows you to quickly and accurately insert a viewing window into a cover.
Two Options For Free Car Cover Viewing Window:
We can install a free viewing window into yournew cover for you.2)
We can send you a kit with instructions on how toinstall it yourself.Add to Your Order and Save!
Order With a New Cover & Save More! | $FREE | |
Order Separately at Retail Price. | +$49.95 |
Cover Cover Window Installation
The installation video above is a supplement to the instructions which come with the window. Installation is easy and takes between an 0.5-1 hour on average. The process can be sped up by using a hand-held hole punch to prepare the template and punch the cover (if it is sharp enough).